miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

The Third Time Is The Charm...

Through all of this year, I've been trying to get in shape... but everytime I decide I'll start,  my bed stands in the middle of my will... and I end up protesting cause I dress like a portrait since almost none of my clothes fits me anymore...

Yesterday I decided Im starting with Insanity... Again... I already tried twice and droped it on the second day.. tomorrow I have shift.. which means I'll stay for 36 hours at the hospital... I guess I'll try my best, even if I know I'll be destroyed on friday I'll work out...

I guess I need to do it while I'm still "young", but my knees and waist are passing me the bills already... So It's never late for a brand new start... right?

I'm committed, with myself this time... I have been committed with my parents, my career, my ex's ... etc. But never with myself... Until now. I feel fresh, renewed and enormously grateful with God, cause he always places me in the right place.

I might not have many "Friends", but the ones I got are the very best, even if we don't talk to much or get together (again.. thankyou medical school). But they're simply.. perfect. For me.

I end up with a Trova song.. one of my beloved ones..

Thanks to the life, that has given me so much       / Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Has given me laugh, has given me chant              / Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto
Like that I can mark out the bliss from the brief  /Así yo distingo dicha de quebranto
Both materials that builds up my sing                 /Los dos materiales que forman mi canto
And your sing which is my sing                         /Y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto   
And everybody's sing which is my own sing...  /Y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto     

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