Where English is the proper language to express myself...
I got a photocamera for my birthday, and I've started "experimenting" with it.
My adventures of late... Well... I decided that moving to the States is my option #1, but I also decided to make my part and leave everything in God's hands... everyday I got realized that He doesn't brings me where His grace would not support me.
I'm tired of medschool... 6 years, and still one remaining! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.. I must confess that Im a little sad, cause I'm still losing friends :( I feel impotent when I cannot help the people I care for.. Eric.. If you ever read this, I want you to know that I pray for your recovery every single morning...
My best friend is getting married next July, and as a funny fact.. we already found the cloth for the bridesmaids dresses and not yet her wedding dress.. and me? Still without a date for her wedding..
This damned weather is not helping in my waiting for my blueish, greenish, grayish eye colored tall and handsome prince.. I know he's somewhere... and Im waiting for him... even if I could really use his cuddling now.. my teeth hurts like hell.. and tomorrow I have shift on a full moon..
Dear full moon, please give me your hope, and make my wishes come true.. instead of bringing babies to the world!
Last but not least... some of my favorite pictures that I've taken so far..