miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

Running Back To You

Why do you run why do you hide oh don't you know I
just, just want to be with you.

August,  As My Friend Anita would say.. "The second best month in the year", And for me.. it will be the best from this year.. why? Cause I decided it.

I'm amazed by God, he acts in strange but miraculous ways that I won't ever be able to understand...
He uses strangers that later become your friends, and after... they teach you how to turn your frown upside down :)

And It's my time to accept the fact that God is always there.. that if I don't look for him, he doesn't loses anything... but me... I'd be dead... It's my time to get back to my first love! The one that is always there for me... waiting patiently for me to talk to him.. the one who made me a princess, the one who created me to enjoy this earth and has given me a purpose in life... purpose that i'm not sure what it is, but I know that His guidance will conduce me to the perfect path.

Yes.. I decided to stay positive no matter what!

Thank you Ooger.. you're a blessing and you have helped me more than you can imagine...

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