sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

Butterflies And Stars

I close my eyes and look for you...
In the darkness of my thoughts .. im looking for a light..
I really need an escape for this deadly tune..
Im scared.. Im screaming.. can't you hear me?
I fell asleep....

... And I woke up, in a wonderful garden
Sorrounded by roses ( yes, my favorite flowers)
I see butterflies all around me, as I'm dancing with a love tune
My feet are moving.. my heart is beating... no more chains, no more darkness...
You're here

As night falls down, The Stars suddenly appear...
And here I am... laying on the grass...
Holding your hand....
No more pain, no more doubts, no more loneliness
No more doubts, no more fears, no more nightmares..
Only me & you...

Oh love of my life... where are u?
K <3

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